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Friday, November 18, 2005

Weekly BuyNothing Day

Another day to pause and think about why you are working so damn hard. That big television in your living room? The new car that's sitting in your garage and protects you from the world as you travel from building A to building B?

Another day to buy absolutely nothing! Get something done. You don't have to feed the economy every day. Maybe you could even use this time to find out what your most-bought brands actually spend your money on? Research day?

The original BuyNothing day is coming. It falls one day after Thanksgiving for those of you in the US. Black Friday as the retail workers call it. What are you doing? Shopping? Why not extend the family reunion that is Thanksgiving and sit around eating leftovers, playing card games and catching up a bit more. One day can't really do it. Ask some surprising questions. Talk to your kids/parents about sex. Get risky. Maybe apply some homegrown therapy and get something off of your chest this year. Or just enjoy each other's company. There's only a limited amount of it you know.

If you want to learn more about the original BuyNothing Day and see what is going on in your city/state, go here: (BuyNothing US)

If you really want to buy nothing, you can. Just follow this link and BuyNothing away! (BuyNothing...Literally!)


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