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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day

We here at Consumatron are not too big on holidays, but Thanksgiving seems alright by me if you embrace the spirit and spend time with friends and family that you are truly thankful for.

I'm going to be hopping a train up to Milwaukee, WI, my hometown early this morning. I'll be spending the day with my family and doing my best not to turn it into an experience resembling Home For The Holidays. Try not to argue with those you care for too much. Don't give in, just don't start any shit for no good reason, okay?

Forgive me if the updates to the site are a bit more sporadic than usual. I'll do my best to update my purchases in a timely matter.

And for all of you gearing up for the sales on Friday, remember that Nov. 25th is Buy Nothing Day. If you simply can't pass up a good deal tomorrow, at the very least, think about the systems in place that drive you out of your house at some early morning hour to battle with other human beings for little pieces of plastic and cloth. Take a minute to try and connect with these people rather than viewing them as video game villians. Hug your Mom, Dad, child, etc... Doesn't that feel better than buying some flat screen television?

Instead of buying something, try buying nothing! Even if it is just to see if you can.


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