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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Spaghetti w/Marinara from Hollywood Grill

Item Purchased: Spaghetti w/Marinara from Hollywood Grill
Location Purchased: Hollywood Grill / 1601 W. North Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.95 + tax

Review: The Hollywood Grill is a diner. Diners are known for a few things. Among them are burgers, bacon, french fries, eggs, weak coffee and hair-netted waitresses. There are a few other things that belong on that list but pasta is not one of them. Not even from an Italian diner do you order pasta. Pasta from a diner is like Rap music from a professional athlete.

The world would be a better place with less of either of these things.

The spaghetti noodles tasted like they had been soaking in cold water for three weeks. Whatever egg or flour was used in making these noodles had been washed away, leaving a water-flavored sponge skeleton. The marinara was nothing more than a blended and canned tomato with even more - that's right - water added to the mix.

If that wasn't enough, for the meager (yet far too expensive for what we received) $5.95, the pasta dish comes with a sizable watery salad with equally watery dressing on the side. The part of this meal that wasn't watered down was the garlic bread. That was rubbery instead.

Kids, when you go to a diner, get the coffee, get some heart-clogging bacon... hell... get an omelette with fries like I did.

Just stay away from the pasta. What is provided in quantity is most definitely lacking in quality.

Rating: 0.5 / 5


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