Mini Pool Ball Puzzle Toy (Vending Machine Toy)

Item Purchased: Mini Pool Ball Puzzle Toy (Vending Machine Toy)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1341 N. Paulina / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.25
Review: I don't do it often, but every once in a while, the quarter vending machines call out to me on the way out of the grocery store. It was a toss up between the sticky grabber hand or this tiny puzzle of dexterity.
Made to look like a miniature billiards ball (I got the red 3-ball for those of you reading without images), this tiny plastic sphere breaks apart into six curved pieces. The object of the puzzle is to reassemble the pieces into their original sphere shape. Though not a difficult puzzle to figure out, it is moderately challenging to achieve. The challenge is tha tyou must find a way to hold five of the puzzle pieces in place with one hand while placing the final piece to provide stability to the structure.
After five minutes and a few failed attempts, I was able to solve the puzzle without glancing at the microscopic solution sheet that was tucked inside of the puzzle.
One quarter for five minutes of entertainment. That's a better value than most peep-shows!
Rating: 3.25 / 5
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