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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Marlboro Blend 27 Cigarettes (Hardpack)

Item Purchased: Marlboro Blend 27 Cigarettes (Hardpack)
Location Purchased: Union Station Convenience Kiosk / 225 S. Canal / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.45

Review: After quitting my disgusting habit of smoking for one day in honor of Buy Nothing Day, I was fiending a bit. So, when I got off of the train to Chicago, I stopped at the first kiosk I came upon in Union station, threw my duffel bag to the ground and bought a pack of cigarettes. Talk about mindless consumerism! Couldn't I have waited another hour or two after a 30+ hour smoking fast to light up rather than spend a ridiculous $7.45 on a pack of smokes? Marlboros nonetheless! An evil Phillip Morris company and my third-string brand!

Well, fate had a way of teaching me a lesson because when I got outside and attempted to light up, I found that I had lost my lighter. Not only that, but no one around me was smoking! Talk about mindless consumerism made allegory through bad habits! It wasn't until I got home a half hour later that I was able to light up for the first time. Everyone on the streets was running frantically to the next store, intoxicated by big city Thanksgiving weekend shopping. No one had time for anyone or anything but long, stuffy lines and the melodies of scanners and cash registers.

I'm not sure what disgusted me more, the sight of people hustling and bustling or my own waste of money and addiction.

Marlboro 27's are the only Marlboro brand cigarette I can stand. They have a musky full flavor without the harsh sting that most Marlboros carry with them. The signature Marlboro Reds always seem to leave me with a burning throat and a rancid taste in my mouth. Not that any cigarette will leave your mouth tasting minty fresh (not even menthol folks, which, IMHO, is a sacrilege to the ritual of smoking anyway...never mix your cigarettes and your after-dinner mints), but when killing yourself is one of your hobbies, I find that it is best to choose the lesser of two evils. Best of all, you can find Marlboro 27s almost anywhere cigarettes are sold. Not so easy with American Spirits or Camel Turkish Royals.

Even over priced train station kiosks sell them!

Rating: 3 / 5

Note (01/17/06): Do you ever notice how the two-for-one packs of cigarettes aren't actually two-for-one? I could buy one pack of these cigarettes for six bucks and some change, but when I get a two-for-one "deal," they cost me $7.33?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


27s are the only cigarettes me and the little lady get

me being a turkish royal smoker at one time and she being a red smoker... 27s turned out to be the comprimise that marriage is all about

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:24:00 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

That brings a whole new meaning to the term "til death do us part."

I hope to give up all smoking before i get married.

I hope all of your other compromises are healthier and happy.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:31:00 AM  

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