Today is Buy Nothing Day. I hope you all gorged yourself yesterday on turkey and cranberries, wine and dessert, sweet potatoes and stuffing! I waddled to bed with my pants unbuttoned. I know that sounds attractive to all of you out there, but let me assure you, it was anything but. Today, I skipped breakfast, save for a cup of coffee and slept in late. It wasn't until after noon that solid food entered my body.
While most of the people of the U.S. rushed out of their houses at 4:00 AM this morning to battle American Gladiator style for cheap computers and stuffed animals that speak gibberish, I slept and read, drank coffee and wrote in my journal. Several times I have reached for a cigarette, but I am out and have been tempted to run down the street from my parent's house to buy a pack.
I have abstained.
You don't have to be an activist to make this day work. On this busiest of shopping days, just make it a point to challenge yourself to abstain from the cluture of consumption. Play cards or a boardgame with your family. Turn the T.V. off and have a discussion with your friends. Crack that bottle of wine you were saving for a special occasion and sit by the fire. Special is defined as something other than usual or common. What is more unusual or uncommon in our culture than not spending any money.
Think about your purchases. Think about the environment and the economy and where your priorities lie each time you want for something new.
And if you've already bought something today, take a look at it and ask yourself if you really need it. If it is a gift, ask yourself if it will be as meaninful as something you spent time making yourself would be.
Then, try again tomorrow. There are tempting sales all weekend, all around the country. See if you can calm those urges to fight the crowd for 24 hours. If you feel the urge to be out among the crowds, make some cookies and go to your local mall and hand them out for free. Take your old ratty towels and offer them as sweat rags to the people caught in the consumer race that is this weekend. Then, take a look at the absurdity from the outside and analyze what probably comes as second nature to you each year.
You'll probably discover that it is not so natural at all.
As for me, I have 10 more hours to go without a cigarette. Maybe I'll even make it until tomorrow during the day instead of running down to the gas station at midnight.
"While most of the people of the U.S. rushed out of their houses at 4:00 AM this morning"
Most people? 4am? Yeah right.
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