Haircut from Great Clips

Item Purchased: Haircut from Great Clips
Location Purchased: Great Clips / University Village / Chicago, IL
Price: $12.00 + tax
Review: I took the opportunity granted to me by waking up early to get a haircut today. I used to get my hair cut at a top-notch salon in the Sears Tower because it was located next to the bookstore I worked in. Similarly, I chose Great Clips because it is right down the street from the bookstore where I work now.
If I am reading my receipt correctly, my stylist's name was Blanca. Blanca amazed me after asking me how I wanted my hair cut, with her speed and accuracy. Being a regular white dude with straight boring hair whose only follicle challenge is the Michael Landon pre-mullet that forms in the back of my head every so often, "a trim...clean up the sides and back" is all I usually have to say. No soonder did I say that, and Blanca was off and snipping away. I imagine her handiwork to look a lot like that of Edward Scissorhands' shrub sculpting if viewed from afar.
The haircut took no longer than ten minutes and not only was I pleased, but I was on time getting back to work. With the holiday coming up in a few days, it is good that I look semi-clean and feel a bit less shaggy. That way, I will endure slightly less antagonism from my family regarding my chosen path in life...which is that of ever seeking a path.
Great Clips isn't anything special when it comes to extra beauty services, but if all you need is a haircut, you'd do well choosing this affordable path. I'll never understand why people choose to get a $40+ haircut at name-brand salons. Is personal vanity worth that much? It's not like these salons etch their logo into your hair or brand it on your forehead, so why not save $20-$30, let Blanca work her magic and lie to your friends who care about those sorts of things.
But I suppose if your friends are the kind of people who judge you on name-brand haircuts, you have a lot more problems than just saving a couple of bucks.
Blanca and Great Clips = You looking presentable and respectable.
Rating: 4.25 / 5
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