Eight O' Clock Coffee Original Blend (13 oz. ground)

Item Purchased: Eight O' Clock Coffee Original Blend (13 oz. ground)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.92 + tax
Review: It's cold here in Chicago today. Below 30 degrees cold. So, instead of walking down to Caribou Coffee several times during the work day today, I decided to buy some coffee grounds to brew at work. Though the coffee machine in the bookstore's back office should probably be disinfected and cleaned with a sandblaster, I would rather catch a coffee-borne disease than freeze to death.
Usually, I wouldn't dream of buying pre-ground coffee, but since we don't have a grinder at work and I didn't feel like crushing beans in a bag by dropping Jonathan Franzen novels on them. Call me a snob if you want to (for the snubbing of pre-ground coffee or the name-dropping of Franzen, take your pick), but I like my coffee fresh.
As far as pre-ground coffee goes though, Eight O'Clock coffee is one of the tastiest you can get without going to a specialty shop. Their original blend is a medium roast that brews into a full bodied cup of coffee perfect for waking up. Forget Folgers in your cup, get up at Eight O'Clock.
Rating: 3.75 / 5
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