Tylenol Daytime Cough & Sore Throat Liquid (8 FL oz.)

Item Purchased: Tylenol Daytime Cough & Sore Throat Liquid (8 FL oz.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.99 + tax
Review: I'm not the type to reach for an aspirin when I have a headache or visit a doctor when I have a cold. I'm a proponent of strengthening the body so it can heal itself. However, I also understand that modern medicine is important. There are very good reasons why life expectancy is not as short as it used to be.
So, after a full week of suffering from a sore throat, I reached for an aid while my body continued the healing process.
The first thing that struck me about this liquid medicine was the taste. Not the syrupy 160-proof taste that winos crave, but an almost refreshing, minty taste that is easy to stomach. Next was the near-instant relief this elixir provided me. Only five minutes after swallowing the sappy blue substance, my sore throat was all but gone.
I do have two complaints though.
First, this medicine is supposed to be non-drowsy, but I felt like taking a nap shortly after the pain in my throat disappeared.
Second, the effects of the medicine only last about four hours and you are supposed to wait six hours between doses. This just means, of course, that I have been taking my doses two hours early.
Soon, I may be a cough-syrup wino, though I will have to find a different brand. Tylenol's cough syrup has no alcohol in it at all. So you won't even have to worry about the risk of addiction. But, if I do stick with this brand, my breath will be minty fresh and my throat will feel spectacular!
Rating: 3.75 / 5
Buy one at Amazon.com
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