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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jewel Brand Whipped Butter (8 oz.)

Item Purchased: Jewel Brand Whipped Butter (8 oz.)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.45 + tax

Review: They always say "you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs." Well, I beg to differ, because what if you use Egg Beaters?

I will contend that you can't make an omelette without greasing the frying pan first. Teflon be damned. I've scrubbed off so much burnt egg residue from Teflon pans in my day. You know what makes Teflon stick to the pan? Eggs! There's the answer to the eternal question. Alert Alex Trebec!

Of all the culinary lubricants on the market, I still prefer to cook with butter. And this particular tub of butter came into my possession because it was the most affordable. Sometimes I can't believe how much items from my home-state of America's Dairyland (Wisconsin) cost just a few miles south here in Chicago. Had I bought sticks of butter, it would have cost me nearly $6.00!

This butter is white in color, which is reassuring, because real butter isn't yellow. Yellow is the color of those shorteners and margarines that used to be good for your heart but are now bad for your heart. I like my heart disease as natural as I can get it please. And what better way to clog my arteries than good ol' mad-cow rendered butter?

Creamy and salty, just the way I like it, this whipped butter melted quickly and added the perfect flavor to the cheese omelette I made when I got home from work.

Rating: 3.75 / 5


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