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Monday, October 17, 2005

Home Run Inn Four Cheese Pizza (7 oz)

Item Purchased: Home Run Inn Four Cheese Pizza (7 oz)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.50 + tax

Review: Though I had enough pocket cash to buy a coffee and sandwich today at work, I forgot my wallet at home and thus wasn't able to eat anything else the entire day. On the way home I discovered that my forgotten wallet was actually tucked in the bottom of my backpack. So with an empty stomach, I ran desperately into Jewel on the way home and bought two pizzas. Before even taking my headphones off, I threw this tiny personal meal into the microwave. There is nothing worse in the world of pizza than a microwaved one. Circumstances being what they were, this pizza wasn’t half bad.

Though soggy from the microwave, the four cheese wasn't too coagulated and rubbery as most frozen pizzas tend to be and I was able to enjoy the scarfing session that ensued. The packaging proclaims that this is the finest pizza since 1947. If this is the case, I suppose I can see why elderly people are always talking about the good ol' days. If they haven't been able to find a better pizza than this for 58 years, I feel for them. I really do. Luckily, there are several pizzas in this world (and especially here in the city of Chicago) that I have been lucky enough to try. Maybe not better frozen pizzas for this price. Perhaps the word frozen is written on the package in ultra-fine print. Someday I will check. But in these dire, empty-stomached times, Home Run Inn does the trick.

I will buy this brand of pizza again in the future. Let's just hope that it is not the near future.

Rating: 3 / 5


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