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Monday, October 24, 2005

Fieldcrest 1% Milk (1/2 gallon)

Item Purchased: Fieldcrest 1% Milk (1/2 gallon)
Location Purchased: Jewel / 1224 S. Wabash Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.59 + tax

Review: Do you remember getting those little birthday fact sheets that told you how much a gallon of milk cost the year you were born? Well, I think mine said something like $0.65. And now it is $2.59 for a half gallon? Are we fighting a war with cows somewhere? Did a dairy farmer take his government subsidies and purchase weapons of mass destruction?

Why the hell is milk so damn expensive nowadays.

Thankfully, all I use milk for is for making blueberry smoothies.

Skim has always tasted like water with talc mixed in to me and I was raised drinking gallons of 2% (back when we had peace with the bovine culture and it was affordable). So, in attempts to eat healthier, I have adopted 1% as my staple milk. And since I can't find Oberweis dairy products (made fresh without rBGH and bottled in recycled glass bottles) at my local Jewel, I just buy the cheapest brand, which happens to be Fieldcrest.

That doesn't really matter, because most of the milk out there is all the same rBGH sludge. Milk's kind of disgusting when you think about it anyway... I mean, isn't cow milk meant for cow babies? Maybe instead of shooting cows full of other blended up cows, we should feed them human breast milk? True symbiosis.

It's too bad that soy or rice milk just doesn't make good smoothies.

Rating: 2.5 / 5


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