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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Drum Rolling Tobacco (40 gr.)

Item Purchased: Drum Rolling Tobacco (40 gr.)
Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.65 3.19 + tax

Review: There are several advantages to rolling your own cigarettes, including the extra money you save and the chance to impress a room full of hard-packers with your rolling skill. And don't even wonder about the one-handed rollers. Those guys get laid more than tourists in Hawaii. As for this particular brand of rolling tobacco, Drum is on the lower end of the value spectrum, but for what you pay, I think you get more than is warranted. The tobacco has an earthy smell much like a newly found campsite dusted with pine needles. There are a fair share of twigs and stems in the pouches, and Drum tends to be a bit on the dry side, though not too dry for a beginner to learn to roll cigarettes with. Each 40 gr. Pouch comes with 50 Job Premium Cigarette Papers which, for the way I roll cigarettes, is usually the perfect number.

During the work week, I roll cigarettes because I have more time at my weekday job and most people seem to think the handrolled cigarettes has less additives in it, which I tend to believe simply judging by the taste of the tobacco. An unfiltered Drum cigarette is less harsh than, say, a Camel Filter or Marlboro Red.

Most importantly, though, I enjoy the ritual of sitting down to roll a cigarette. To take my time with my vice increases the pleasure I get from it and decreases the frequency which I partake. A zen-like exercise, rolling your own cigarette, then smoking them away to nothing but ash.

Poetic, really.

Rating: 4 / 5

Note: The price has increased on Drum to $3.19 + tax.


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